A Bit About Me

Omar Dmoor (Born 29th of May 1997) is a Jordanian Actor, Director, Theatre trainer, IB performing arts teacher, TV presenter, and founder of Ruff performing arts team. Started his acting career in 2002 as a child actor and pursued his passion in the field by earning his Bachelor’s Degree in Theatre Arts at The University of Jordan in Amman. He performed in many series, film, and theatre performances both locally and across the MENA region such as MBC’s “Aldamaa Alhamra” and “Safar Barlek” and “Altahouna” play in which he won The Best Actor award 2017 and “Bana” play in which he won Liberal Theatre’s golden award for best actor 2021. Dmoor also directed many performances such as “Galatea”, and “Medraga”, and “Turoq” that earned Lebiral theatre’s Best Drirector Award and Best Complete Performance Award in 2020. Dmoor also developed an actor preparation course in which he has been training for students and actors from different age groups in different organisations such as HCC, UJ, AIS, JCF, and more.

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